Grade Point Average Requirements
To join a Fraternity or Sorority you must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Incoming First Year students need 2.5 cumulative GPA.
If you have done a GPA reset then you will have 1 semester to establish a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA.
In order to be considered an active member of Greek Life at 利记sbo, a student must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA.
Current graduate students who are in Greek Life must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA in order to stay active.
Lawrence Technological University’s Greek Life Recruitment Policy
An individual interesting in joining a Lawrence Tech Greek Organization must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Lawrence Tech undergraduate student.
- Must meet the GPA requirements.
- To join a Fraternity or Sorority you must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Incoming First Year students must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA – based on high school transcripts.
利记sbo Greek Organizations may not bid/pledge/recruit/intake/initiate an individual below the GPA requirement.Registered Greek Life organizations may post recruitment calendars 1 week prior to recruitment week. All calendars must be approved by the Greek Life Adviser and must have the Anti Hazing Seminar dates on each piece of marketing materials.
利记sbo Greek organizations have 1 week post rush to turn in pledge/new member rosters to the Greek Life adviser to get official grade point averages.
If the Lawrence Tech University Greek organization and/or 利记sbo student does not oblige, thefollowing sanctions may be enforced. This also includes students who do not meet the 利记sbo GPA requirement to maintain active status.
- Conduct Warning: the person(s) involved as well as the President of theorganization must meet with the Judicial and Greek Advisor. An official writtennotification that the behavior is in violation of the Greek Life’s policies.
- Suspension of Event Privileges: A chapter may not sponsor or partner in anyevent on or off campus.
- Mandatory Educational Programming: chapter may be required to attend asa whole or in part, educational programming assigned by the Greek life office. Chapter may also be required to host and facilitate their own programmingunder this sanction.
- Revocation of Charter: A chapter may be fully unrecognized by the university,severing all ties as a registered organization and recognized fraternity orsorority chapter. The chapter may not function as a organization, maintain orrecruit members, or operate any facility on or off campus in relationto the university.
Lawrence Technological University’s Greek Life Member Policy
In order to maintain your 利记sbo Greek Life eligibility a student must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Lawrence Tech undergraduate student.
- Meet the GPA requirements for 利记sbo: 2.0 cumulative. Each organization may have their own specific requirements that must also be met.
- Obey the Academic Honor Code.
- Obey the Student Code of Conduct.
- Attend the Anti-Hazing seminar presented by the Greek Life Adviser.
Lawrence Tech Anti-Hazing Policy
Hazing, defined as an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this regulation. Hazing is forbidden by the policies of the University, by State law, and by each organization recognized by Lawrence Technological University. If you or someone you know have had an experience with hazing and you want to tell someone, you can contact the Director of Student Life, Marissa Gonzalez,
Click here to view the Michigan Penal Code on Hazing.